Monday, 9 July 2012

Sāṃdhyābhāṣā (to be developed...)

I dream of writing poetry
in the Twilight Language sāṃdhyābhāṣā,
a faraway land redolent of imageries and metaphors,
with immediacy irrecusably abstract yet perceptual;
indecipherable to others, and
perhaps even to myself,
for it will be, in the end, 

(... a "poetique-onirique" thought that just arrived ...)

Vanité, by Aelbert van der Schoor
(*image via Luxe et Vanités )

"Sed fugit interea fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capti circumvectamur amore."
(But meanwhile it flees: time flees irretrievably, while we wander around, prisoners of our love of detail.)

--- Giorgics, by Virgil

*See also Vanitas and the notion of Memento Mori.


Anonymous said...

a language that is both

witness and painting

precise and shimmering

scalpel and flesh

in deep and out in thin air

a language


reunites eye and light.

Poesis said...

Thank you... I love this. Your response in poetry is very much appreciated.

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