Friday, 29 June 2012

Second Poem for Xiao-Tsao: 小草詩箋其二

遠處朦朧樂音 裊裊如烟飄盪 

 ("A photograph is a secret about a secret. 
 The more it tells you the less you know." ~*Diane Arbus) 

 ─ 黃亭禎

I feel very proud and privileged to announce that the second poem I wrote for Mr. Chin's wonderful Xiao-Tsao (Young Grass) Academy of Art 小草藝術學院 postcard publication has been printed and produced. The image is, again, a precious old photograph from the bygone era, tinted with beautifully and subtly faded colours, which represents something perhaps more than merely a distant dream. This image of two Formosan beauties, much like the first one I wrote a poem for (see here), gave me much inspiration and I felt its narrative potential instantaneously when I laid my eyes on it.

Below I have quoted Mr. Chin's blog entry on this publication - it is, as always, beautifully written in Chinese (but I might translate it into English for my beloved readers at some point!). I would like to thank him again for giving me the opportunities to poetically interpret these captivating old photographs (something very dear to my own heart) and imagine the many stories which my mind and heart conjure up with such visual fascination. I truly look forward to writing many more poems to accompany Mr. Chin's Xiao-Tsao, a labour of love  from a true artist whom I respect and admire.

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(See original post here...)

"小草明信片的編號超過四百號後,開始試著以小草的觀點,挑選並覆刻印製世界的經典圖像。但持續整理複製臺灣的老視覺,始終是小草永遠都不會忘記的初衷。這張迷人又數量稀少的《福爾摩沙雙美人》手彩明信片,老早便想覆刻為小草明信片,以讓更多人看到、擁有及書寄,但一直卡在沒有相對應的文案。因此這回得以一償宿願,必須萬分感謝黃亭禎小姐,繼小草418《上海時裝雙美人》手彩明信後,再次為小草明信片書寫文案。這則文案十分特別的是黃小姐還為「相片是關於一個秘密的秘密。它告訴你愈多,你知道得愈少。」一句附上了英文原典,這在小草過往的文案中是前所未有,若非因為由學貫中西的黃小姐操刀文案,小草明信片大概不會有如此的文案呈現吧!期盼這般的試驗,不僅可以活化小草明信片的單一生命力,更重要的是讓百年前的《福爾摩沙雙美人》手彩明信片,因為與這則文案相遇交會,從而激盪出以島嶼為中心,卻跨越了時代及區域的全新詩意漣漪‧‧‧ 最後依然要再次由衷感謝黃亭禎小姐熱心的無償精彩文案書寫!"

This really made my day like nothing else... Another wonderfully handmade gift from Mr. Chin (look at his beautiful calligraphy!) and *loads* of Xiao-Tsao (Young Grass) Academy postcards featuring precious images, including the two with my poetry. I am continuing to write poems for Xiao-Tsao and will do it forever!! Mr. Chin's unique and rare collection of images re-ignited my passion for poetry writing in Chinese, something I had a lengthy respiro of way over ten years, but still now love it so. The wood box, with his calligraphy "亭禎詩文案" (a Pandora's Box for Ting-Jen's poetry) was what he created for me to collect all my future poem-postcards, a poetry-image collaboration between us which I hope will continue for a very, very long time. Indeed it is a Pandora's Box -- once I (re)started writing poetry in Chinese, I cannot stop (nor do I want to!!).

Look, look, look...! How gorgeous it is inside too! There is even calligraphy on the side (where the box closes) in very special seal script 隸書體... ♥♥♥ I am so deliriously happy about this gift (and the previous one of course!) I'm going to cry...

*          *          *

And here is Mr. Chin's heartfelt and wonderfully written response (with great humour!): *via






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