Wednesday 16 June 2010

郎世寧 Giuseppe Castiglione

清 郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 聚瑞圖 局部 (畫心)

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 荷花慈姑花圖 (畫心)
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

Giuseppe Castiglione(1688年7月19日-1766年7月16日),中國名郎世寧。意大利米蘭人。天主教耶穌會傳教士、中國宮廷畫家,以西洋寫實畫風紀錄了清朝初期的中國宮廷人物與景色。十九歲入天主教耶穌會為修士,習畫兼習建築。二十七歲來華傳教,後以繪事供奉朝廷,歷仕康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝。兼善人物、花卉、鳥獸;動物中,以馬畫最多,亦最傳神。

郎世寧出生於義大利米蘭的聖馬塞蘭諾(San Marcellino),青年時期隨卡洛科納拉(Carlo Conara)學習繪畫與建築,並在1707年左右加入了熱那亞耶穌會。剛開始只為義大利的教堂畫壁畫,1714年居住於葡萄牙里斯本及科英布拉。幾年後對中國產生了相當大的興趣,1715年前往中國。期間曾於澳門學習中文、並以「郎世寧」作為漢名。


郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 牡丹圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 芍藥圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏


在他之後的西洋傳教士畫家有王致誠(Jean Denis Attiret)、艾啟蒙(Ignaz Sichelbarth)、賀清泰(Louis dePoirot)、潘廷章(Giuseppe Panzi)等。


清 郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 石竹圖 (畫心)
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 菊花圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 虞美人與蝴蝶花圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏




【名稱】清 郎世寧 聚瑞圖 【年代】清代

Giuseppe Castiglione was born on July 19, 1688, in the central San Marcellino district of Milan, Italy, the site of a renowned Botteghe degli Stampator painting studio. As a youth, Castiglione learned to paint from Carlo Cornara at the studio, and he also came under the influence of the famous painter Andrea Pozzo, a member of the Society of Jesus at Trento. In 1707, at the age of 19, Castiglione formally entered the Society and traveled to the prosperous city of Genoa for further training. By this time, he had already achieved some repute as a painter and was invited to do wall paintings at Jesuit churches. At the age of 27, he received instructions to go to China, and, on the journey, did wall paintings in Jesuit churches in Coimbra (Portugal) and Macao. Castiglione's style was based on the emphasis on color, perspective, and light found in Italian Renaissance art. In China, where Castiglione went by the Chinese name Lang Shih-ning, he came to the attention of the Ch'ien-lung emperor (r. 1736-1795) and served as an artist for the court. Castiglione eventually became a respected painter and earned the appreciation of the Ch'ien-lung emperor, which was a considerable honor for a foreign artist at the time.

清 郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 聚瑞圖

Following the taste and tradition of painting in China, Castiglione was able to forge a new style that combined elements with his Western training in art. His paintings were done with Chinese materials but often incorporate Western techniques of shading and atmospheric perspective. (...) Using perspective to suggest depth and shading for the effect of light, Castiglione has used Chinese materials and Western techniques to impart a sense of realism to this native theme. In addition to the shadows, Castiglione has adapted the traditional texture stroke methods of Chinese painting to give the objects even more substance. The emphasis on washes of color, however, still reveals the focus on native techniques. This painting [One Hundred Horses - see link], done in 1728, represents an early masterpiece in Castiglione's syncretic style of East and West.

{Text via: National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan}

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 罌粟圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊 桃花圖
絹本設色 縱33.3厘米 横27.8厘米 台北故宫博物院藏

*To see and
郎世寧 仙萼長春圖冊賞析


Angelina said...

Hi Ting-Jen, I would like to recommend a book to you "Four Sisters of Hofei" a history by Annping Chin.

Poesis said...

Thank you Angelina for another wonderful recommendation! I found this book in Chinese (have heard of its Chinese edition) and will be sure to get it when I go back home to Taipei end of this month. Had a quick browse of the introduction - the four sisters' expertise/interests in art/poetry/kunqu/sinology are absolutely my cup of tea. :)

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